Full Title: The Applied Innovation Roadmap for CDR: An Independent Perspective to Guide CDR RD&D Funding
Author(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publisher(s): Rocky Mountain Institute
Publication Date: November 12, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
RMI’s Applied Innovation Roadmap (AIR) provides a comprehensive, objective, and action-oriented perspective on how to best advance the technical readiness of 32 carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches this decade. The roadmap is designed for the global ecosystem of policymakers, public and private sector funders, technology developers, and research organizations that shape research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) activity. It provides complete transparency about the risks and opportunities of all known CDR approaches, and offers visibility and guidance on research, development, and demonstration needs and opportunities.
RMI intends for this roadmap to unlock a larger volume of funding that is coordinated and non-duplicative, to meet those RD&D needs and opportunities. This funding is vital and warranted to achieve the billions of tons of atmospheric emissions removal that the IPCC has identified as essential to avoiding temperature overshoot.