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The Changing Role of Energy in the U.S. Economy

The Changing Role of Energy in the U.S. Economy

Full Title: The Changing Role of Energy in the U.S. Economy
Author(s): Sarah Ladislaw and Jesse Barnett
Publisher(s): Center for Strategic and International Studies
Publication Date: March 1, 2019
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The CSIS Energy Program conducted research, commissioned papers, held a workshop, and developed this report on the changing role of energy in the U.S. economy. The purpose is twofold: (1) improve understanding of how energy impacts the U.S. economy at multiple levels; and (2) evaluate the performance of policies designed to create economic opportunity in the energy sector.

The Report : The research, commissioned papers, and workshop culminated into this final report, The Changing Role of Energy in the U.S. Economy. The report identifies 13 propositions, which represent the emerging energy issues that policymakers might not be aware of and the areas in which the research community could make further contributions.

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