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The Clash With Gas: Should it Stay or Should it Go?

The Clash With Gas: Should it Stay or Should it Go?

Full Title: The Clash With Gas: Should it Stay or Should it Go?
Author(s): Megan Anderson, Jan Rosenow, Richard Cowart
Publisher(s): Regulatory Assistance Project
Publication Date: August 23, 2022
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

In this study, the Regulatory Assistance Project sets out five essential principles to guide decision-making for the transition away from fossil gas in Europe. These principles are general in nature, due to the breadth of the gas transition, and the numerous policy instruments that governments will need to reform such a large part of our energy economy. To bring the principles into focus, this study examines each one by applying it to current European policy dockets, particularly the Commission’s Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market package (the ‘gas package’) and the Commission’s and examples of Member States’ Hydrogen Strategies (the ‘hydrogen strategies’).

At a broad level, this analysis reveals that Europe’s ambitions for the gas transition are only partly reflected in the gas and hydrogen policy files now under way, and are unlikely to be achieved without substantial course corrections. This report provides several actions that could be taken in line with Europe’s ambitious and essential gas transition goals.

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