Full Title: The Clean Energy Boom in House Republican Districts
Author(s): Climate Power
Publisher(s): Climate Power
Publication Date: April 23, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
Since the landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) became law in August 2022, the private sector has been racing forward with massive investments to build our clean energy future. New manufacturing in wind, solar, batteries, and electric vehicles — along with storage projects across the country — mean new, good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans. In the months since the landmark climate and clean energy investments became law, clean energy companies have announced or moved forward with projects accounting for more than 142,000 new clean energy jobs for electricians, mechanics, construction workers, technicians, support staff, and many others.
At the same time as this massive clean energy boom is creating jobs in communities across the country, MAGA extremists in Congress have chosen this moment to try to repeal the IRA, killing clean energy jobs and reversing our nation’s clean energy progress. All of this is made more confusing by the fact that more than half of clean energy projects that have been announced or moved forward since the passage of the IRA are located in districts represented by House Republicans. In short, Republican MAGA extremists in Congress are ready to kill new, good paying jobs coming to their own districts to play politics and prioritize their oil and gas allies.