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The Future of Gas Utilities Series: Transitioning Gas Utilities to a Decarbonized Future

The Future of Gas Utilities Series: Transitioning Gas Utilities to a Decarbonized Future

Full Title: The Future of Gas Utilities Series: Transitioning Gas Utilities to a Decarbonized Future
Author(s): Brattle Group
Publisher(s): Brattle Group
Publication Date: August 27, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

The natural gas utility industry is facing increased uncertainty and risk in the current environment of decarbonizing the energy sector.

With approximately $150–180 billion of unrecovered gas distribution infrastructure at risk, gas utilities will need to organize and become a proactive and innovative participant in a clean energy transition. If utilities defer the decarbonization planning needed to build a long-term strategy, the prospect of declining growth or under-recovery of costs for gas utilities increases in the long run.

In this three-part series, The Brattle Group presents a framework for how gas utilities can assess risk and opportunities related to the clean energy transition, develops strategies that grow business and decarbonize, and determines the steps needed to implement solutions.

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