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The Landscape of Carbon Dioxide Removal and US Policies to Scale Solutions

The Landscape of Carbon Dioxide Removal and US Policies to Scale Solutions

Full Title: The Landscape of Carbon Dioxide Removal and US Policies to Scale Solutions
Author(s): Whitney Jones, Galen Bower, Nathan Pastorek, Ben King, John Larsen, Trevor Houser, Naveen Dasari, and Kelly McCusker
Publisher(s): Rhodium Group
Publication Date: April 2, 2024
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

As the speed, scale, and complexity of achieving US economy-wide decarbonization are better understood, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is gaining more attention as an important piece of the puzzle. CDR is a broad set of processes and technologies that result in the net removal of CO₂ from the atmosphere. Because of policies implemented over the past few years, the US is now a global leader in policy support for CDR. However, more federal policy support is needed to expand the portfolio of CDR options and ensure a robust CDR market exists to support the goal of mid-century decarbonization. In this report, they survey the current and vast landscape of different CDR approaches in the US, informed by the latest peer-reviewed literature, dozens of expert interviews, and new analysis. They also assess the current state of policy support and additional policy options to help CDR scale to the level required for mid-century decarbonization in the US.

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