Full Title: The Power of Change: Innovation for Development and Deployment of Increasingly Clean Electric Power Technologies
Author(s): Committee on Determinants of Market Adoption of Advanced Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Technologies; Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy; Board on Energy and Environmental Systems; Policy and Global Affairs; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher(s): The National Academies Press
Publication Date: August 1, 2016
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Electricity, supplied reliably and affordably, is foundational to the U.S. economy and is utterly indispensable to modern society. However, emissions resulting from many forms of electricity generation create environmental risks that could have significant negative economic, security, and human health consequences. Large-scale installation of cleaner power generation has been generally hampered because greener technologies are more expensive than the technologies that currently produce most of our power. Rather than trade affordability and reliability for low emissions, is there a way to balance all three?