Full Title: The Search for Future US-China Energy Cooperation: The Case of Apple-Sun Power Joint Solar Projects
Author(s): Anna Paskaleva
Publisher(s): Open Access Library Journal
Publication Date: March 1, 2018
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The current work is a case study of three solar energy projects built with the joint efforts of Apple and Sun Power. Because of their positive results and unique characteristics, I take these projects as an example of a successful collaboration in the solar energy sector between an American and a Chinese-operating company. In the midst of complicated trade frictions between China and the US in the solar energy sector, these projects stand out in a unique way: they bring benefits to all participants, do not exacerbate the trade disputes, they are environmentally-friendly and promote peace in the Sino-American relations. The Apple-Sun Power projects also show a new approach to the overseas business model. They represent a more conscientious way of conducting business abroad since the company which is outsourcing
its manufacturing (in this case Apple) uses clean energy to power its operations. Therefore, there is no exploitation of local resources, no damage to the local environment and the local people’s health. On the contrary: there is an inflow of investments in the Chinese solar industry, cheap electricity for Apple and no harmful effects on the local environment. Based on the case study I make the argument that the solar energy sector is a solid ground for creating cooperation not only between companies but also between countries. Indeed, as we see in the example of Apple and Sun Power, their joint projects bring a long list of benefits without creating frictions between any parties. Viewed from a more global perspective, these projects promote the relations between China and the US and can be used as a model for promoting cooperation between other countries and consolidate peace on the global arena. In short, solar energy proves to be a good ground for developing peaceful collaboration between countries. One of the reasons is that it creates a complex interconnection between the participants and brings them to work closely together. More importantly, the result of the collaboration not only brings benefits to the participants themselves but also helps preserve the environment and tackle climate change—issues which all nations are concerned about. This is a key feature of the collaboration in the solar energy sector—it unites actors on the international arena under ideals which all human beings share: clean environment, sustainable economy and a better future for those who will come after us.