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Tracking and Reporting Finance for Locally Led Adaptation to Climate Change

Tracking and Reporting Finance for Locally Led Adaptation to Climate Change

Full Title: Tracking and Reporting Finance for Locally Led Adaptation to Climate Change
Author(s): Tamara Coger, Ayesha Dinshaw, Nisha Krishnan, Mitchell Cook, Anna Brown, Eric Chu, Emma Illick-Frank
Publisher(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
Publication Date: July 20, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

This working paper discusses how governments can use practical, flexible approaches to determine if and how finance is supporting locally led adaptation (LLA) to climate change. As national governments invest in building resilience to climate impacts, many are recognizing the importance of LLA. LLA recognizes that people closest to the effects of climate change are often best placed to identify adaptation solutions and must have financing and decision-making power to ensure that adaptation investments reflect their priorities.

The paper provides metrics for governments to track how much finance reaches the local level for adaptation, and how well that finance supports local agency in adaptation decisions. It also recommends tracking and reporting options governments can adapt to their country contexts and climate finance objectives. These recommendations are practical, near-term steps toward longer-term transformational change needed to support locally led adaptation. Tracking and reporting finance for LLA is important for ensuring adequate and sound investments, and ultimately for ensuring that finance reaches and meets the needs of those most directly affected by climate change.

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