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US Green Economy Report Series: Wisconsin

US Green Economy Report Series: Wisconsin

Full Title: US Green Economy Report Series: Wisconsin
Author(s): UK Government, Climate Advisers, University of Maryland’s Center for Global Sustainability
Publisher(s): UK Government, Climate Advisers, University of Maryland’s Center for Global Sustainability
Publication Date: April 29, 2021
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Governor Evers’ 2019 Executive Order mandated that the state’s electricity come from only clean energy sources by 2050 and established an Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy to achieve this goal. The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change outlined how each sector can help achieve the state’s target and how the state can take steps on climate action through executive orders, legislation and budget. Wisconsin is active in the US Climate Alliance through the organization’s Natural & Working Lands Alliance, and its top growth potential in the green economy is in the agriculture and waste-to-energy sectors. However, Wisconsin faces challenges from its current generation mix. Coal is the main source of electricity, accounting for more than 40 percent, while natural gas makes up slightly more than a third of electricity generation. Renewables contribute less than 10 percent of electricity generation, driven by hydro, biomass, wind and solar. Divided government and reliance on the executive order rather than comprehensive legislation have limited the state’s action, while budget problems could slow growth in coming years and undermine climate initiatives.

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