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Westinghouse Bankruptcy Filing Could Put New U.S. Nuclear Projects at Risk

Westinghouse Bankruptcy Filing Could Put New U.S. Nuclear Projects at Risk

Full Title: Westinghouse Bankruptcy Filing Could Put New U.S. Nuclear Projects at Risk
Author(s): Mark Holt
Publisher(s): Congressional Research Service
Publication Date: April 1, 2017
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Westinghouse Electric Company, a major nuclear technology firm that supplied nearly half of the 99 currently operating U.S. commercial reactors, filed for bankruptcy reorganization on March 29, 2017. The bankruptcy filing raised fundamental questions about the future of the U.S. nuclear power industry, and particularly whether four new reactors that Westinghouse is constructing for electric utilities in Georgia and South Carolina will be completed. The four reactors are the first to begin construction in the United States since the mid-1970s, and the nuclear industry had hoped they would pave the way for many more.

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