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What’s Next for Oil and Gas Methane Regulations

What’s Next for Oil and Gas Methane Regulations

Full Title: What’s Next for Oil and Gas Methane Regulations
Author(s): Ben Cahill
Publisher(s): Center for Strategic and International Studies
Publication Date: March 22, 2023
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):

Proposed methane regulations for the oil and gas industry are in the works in the United States and the European Union. These new rules—especially the U.S. regulations—could play a critical role in curbing emissions. This brief summarizes the next steps for methane rules on both sides of the Atlantic, including an overview of the emerging regulations in the United States and a synopsis of the EU methane legislation process. It identifies areas that require more analysis, such as how closely measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV), leak detection and repair (LDAR), and reporting requirements will align. The brief also summarizes the current EU approach to reducing methane emissions from its gas imports as well as its longer-term aspirations, outlining the implications for gas exporters to Europe.

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