Full Title: “Wherefore Art Thou, Carbon Trading?”
Author(s): NARUC Research Laboratory
Publisher(s): National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
Publication Date: February 1, 2017
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NARUC’s Research Lab hosted a call on Monday, February 6, 2017 as part of our ”surge” effort to help link state staffers to learn from each other on current events in energy regulation. The first call focused on smart inverters; the second was about enhanced oil recovery. This call discussed carbon trading. Staff from the Nevada PUC introduced the speakers from the Maryland PSC and the California PUC. Maryland is a participant in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and California has a statewide carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program. As commission staff, our speakers have some administrative responsibility for their states’ carbon trading programs but share responsibilities with, in Maryland’s case, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), and in California’s, the California Air Resources Board (CARB).