The election is over. What comes next for energy policy?
Some environmentalists have already answered that question by planning a demonstration outside the White House to press President Obama to prevent the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. They’re also likely to push the President on continuing support for renewables and taking concrete action on climate policy.
Meanwhile, Jack Gerard, President and CEO of API, offered this take : “Right off the bat, the president can approve the Keystone Pipeline and put thousands of Americans to work immediately. He can acknowledge the effective role states are already playing in regulating oil and natural gas production and avoid the temptation to impose duplicative and unnecessary regulations on hydraulic fracturing. By following through on his own executive order to eliminate overly burdensome regulations, he can rein in EPA’s plans to impose regulatory burdens that could cost businesses hundreds of billions of dollars and chill economic growth.”
What are the most important short, medium and long-term energy policy issues the Obama administration and the 113th Congress must address going forward?
Global warming, renewable energy, shale gas, energy independence and other discussion headers should be the beginning of a ongoing process of determining courses of action that result in a better… Read more »
In the historic words of James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid.” The notorious “fiscal cliff” and the broader fiscal quandary the government faces are now the key to overall economic… Read more »
Both of the commentaries above are spot on. Further, Lewis has given us an excellent exegesis of the REALLY urgent economic issues that will shadow energy policy for a while.… Read more »