Full Title: Hosting Capacity: Using Increased Transparency of Grid Constraints to Accelerate Interconnection Processes
Author(s): Dave Gahl, Brandon Smithwood, Rick Umoff
Publisher(s): Solar Energy Industries Association
Publication Date: September 1, 2017
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Description (excerpt):
Built during the last century, the United States electric grid was primarily designed to transport electricity from large central station power plants to end-use customers. But with rapid growth of distributed energy resources, such as solar, resulting from falling costs and technological advances, customers are increasingly taking charge of their own energy. These resources offer the promise of a more innovative, economic, and cleaner electric grid.
In recognition of the growing role, value, and opportunity of distributed energy resources a number of states across the country are looking at how distribution system planning, operations, and investment must change. This paper series examines the potential changes being considered and the opportunities for solar and other distributed energy resources.
This paper is the third in SEIA’s series on grid modernization and focuses on improving interconnection with hosting capacity analyses. As with the rest of the papers in this series, the experiences of two leading states, California and New York, are examined.