Full Title: SolarMill: Wind and Solar Energy
Author(s): Cortez, Joselyn; Muqatash, Dalal; Carey, Colton; Vancil, Krystal; Kelly, Kevin; Collette, Brendan
Publisher(s): California State University - Maritime Academy
Publication Date: April 1, 2018
Full Text: Download Resource
Description (excerpt):
For this project, we are utilizing a combination of wind turbines and solar panels, a
SolarMill, in order to feed a Level 2, 16 amps and 240 volts, electrical vehicle (EV) charging station.
This will provide Cal Maritime with another form of renewable energy because Cal Maritime
formerly only utilized solar panels. We designed a ballasting and electrical system to support the
SolarMill and a data acquisition system to record how much green energy the charger uses. Our
team collected data over a three-day period and compared that power production with power
production data from the solar only grid. There were small spikes of power produced from the
wind component of the SolarMill when comparing the data trends between the two systems.